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Client Testimonials

Pregnant Lady Aberdeenshire

Aimee Mackie

Complete Hypnobirthing Course Client

Lavender Mackie Robertson



Aberdeen Maternity Hospital

Baby Aberdeenshire

"This lovely lady introduced me to Hypnobirthing! She equipped me with skills and techniques that completely changed my experience in the latter end of pregnancy and birth of our baby. Like night and day!


She essentially handed me a tool box that helped me lock away the idea that I was an incubator and gave me the confidence to take back control of my own body and my mind. I didn't get my ultimate perfect plan for birth but I what I did get was; I got to know my body, my mind and even with the unexpected happening I got a positive birth of our Baby Lavender!

I would recommend you sign up for her course. If you want to try for a more positive and empowered experience then I don't doubt that you will benefit from her knowledge and guidance.


I truly believe she has a lot to offer and wish all the best in this new venture."

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